
Anti-Graffiti and Safety Window Films For Historical Buildings

By DaCustoms
Safety Film and Anti Graffiti Film for Historical Buildings

Each city has a unique atmosphere mainly created by its architecture. All of the buildings, from old churches and museums to modern governmental buildings and famous homes, represent the spirit of their time. Therefore, we aim to preserve and protect such monuments and make them last for future generations. For this reason, we use our anti-graffiti and safety window films.

Anti-Graffiti Window Film

Vandals often use tagging, gang, or generic graffiti to damage the facades of historical buildings. The evolution of graffiti supplies is shocking. Taggers use spray paint, markers, and even acid that etches the glass. In order to fix the damage, businesses spend some big bucks on the replacement of their windows. However, this option does not solve the issue. What’s more, it does not prevent the future occurrence of graffiti on newly installed windows.

The solution to the problem can be pretty simple: an anti-graffiti window film. It is a nearly invisible protective coating that works as a shield for your windows. In case of a “graffiti attack,” our professionals can easily remove the film. All the damage comes with it.


Safety Window Film

It is not only the look of the facade that we worry about. Safety is our priority. Street sports, break-ins, and severe weather may lead to glass shattering. Flying pieces of glass are a hazard as they can lead to serious injuries.

You can ensure protection by applying our safety and security window film. It holds glass fragments together and keeps them from flying around. Moreover, the film does not influence the aesthetics of your building. It offers high visibility and natural light transmission. The other benefits of our safety and security window film are UV protection (up to 99% of UV rays are blocked) and sun glare reduction.

Apart from personal and property protection, the film can provide privacy. We customize it to your needs, considering the desired thickness and shades.

safety and security window film

All in all, historical buildings, especially their vulnerable surfaces, deserve our attention and preservation. Anti-graffiti and safety window films can solve the problems caused by vandalism, accidents, or even natural disasters.

So why not try them out?

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